Bankruptcy Can Write Off a Student Loan if it Causes Undue Hardship
Writing off student loans is not easy. You must convincingly show that paying the loan causes you undue hardship, a tough condition to prove...
Bankruptcy will not Write Off Child or Spousal Support Debts
Child support and spousal support debts cannot get written off in bankruptcy. But is your specific divorce debt legally considered support?...
Bankruptcy Writes Off (Some) Income Taxes
Bankruptcy permanently writes off income taxes, as long as the tax meets certain conditions. For some taxes the conditions are easy to meet...
Bankruptcy, Criminal Fines and Restitution
Bankruptcy does not write off criminal fines or restitution. But it can help by writing off other debts so you can pay crucial expenses...
Non-Dischargeable Debts in Bankruptcy
Most debts get written off--discharged--in bankruptcy. The only ones that aren't are specifically listed in the Bankruptcy Code...
Do you owe income taxes for 2018 AND Earlier Year
Do you owe income taxes for the 2018 tax year AND already owe for one or more tax years? Chapter 13 may be an especially good tool for you...