Don't assume that just because your income taxes are too new to be written off that 1) bankruptcy can't help, or 2) only Chapter 13 can help.
Here are the other three hurdles your tax debt has to jump over to be forever written of in bankruptcy
Your tax debt has to jump over 4 hurdles to be forever written off in bankruptcy. But if it does, that tax is history.
Two fun topics: taxes and bankruptcy! Seriously, they can be a very good combination.
How to avoid getting tripped up in a trap set by Congress supposedly to prevent bankruptcy abuse.
You can file a new bankruptcy immediately after finishing another one, but why would you?
You can file a new case 8 years after filing before (so, now or very soon), or possibly only 6 or 4 or 2 years after, or maybe even with no delay.
After filing bankruptcy, you hope you never have to do that again. But it's good to know that you can if you need to.
Filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy in the midst of letting go of your home can be a smart combination.
Chapter 7 bankruptcy can often also wipe judgment liens off the title to your home.
Chapter 13 protects you while you catch up on your vehicle loan, or you may not need to catch up on that loan at all.
Chapter 13 protects you while you catch up on or pay off very important debts.
If you expect to owe 2012 income tax, you may be able to take care of it simply by paying less to your other creditors.
When you start a Chapter 13 plan, it's good to have Chapter 7 available as a backup plan.
You can usually get out of an ongoing Chapter 13 "adjustment of debts" bankruptcy case by simply asking to do so.