Very recent credit card purchases and cash advances can be a problem when filing bankruptcy. Smart timing can mostly solve this problem.
If you're considering filing bankruptcy, what debts can you incur and which should you avoid? What are the possible consequences?
A creditor might want to pay a claim through your insurance, or finish a lawsuit to establish that you got the debt through fraud.
Because of financial tweaks to the Bankruptcy Code, as of April 1 you are a little less likely to have to repay some of your recent use of credit cards.
Here is a summary of the changes. They apply only to new bankruptcy cases filed starting April 1.
Here are the other three hurdles your tax debt has to jump over to be forever written of in bankruptcy
This financial fraud lawsuit seems more aggressive and may be more effective in finding fault that have been the previous multi-billion dollar efforts against other players in the financial crisis.
This financial fraud lawsuit seems more aggressive and may be more effective in finding fault that have been the previous multi-billion dollar efforts against other players in the financial crisis.
Detailed 124-page Complaint lists specific ways that Standard & Poor's intentionally inflated its ratings of mortgage-backed securities for its own financial gain, while lying about the objectivity of those ratings.
The risk that creditors will not allow you to discharge some of their debts can be minimized through smart timing of your bankruptcy.
It's human nature to hold off filing bankruptcy until after the holidays. Here's what you need to know once you think again about filing.
If you and someone else jointly owe a debt, bankruptcy can protect you against the debt and against your co-signer. Or if you want, bankruptcy can protect your co-signer.
Most creditors don't challenge your write-off of their debts in bankruptcy. But if one does, the system is poised to resolved that challenge relatively quickly.
Bankruptcy court is a relatively efficient place to determine whether or not you must pay a debt which the creditor says can't be discharged.
If you file bankruptcy, it's okay to voluntarily repay any debt. But there can be unexpected consequences.