121 Wisconsin Ave, Whitefish, MT 59937

Bankruptcy Blog

Debts from a Criminal Conviction Can’t Be Written Off in Bankruptcy, But a Bankruptcy Can Still Help

Three ways bankruptcy can help: 1) write off debts to focus on defense costs, 2) pay only the most important debts and expenses, and 3) reduce chance of related civil liability...

Criminal Fines, Fees and Restitution Are Never Discharged in Bankruptcy, Right?

Obligations you owe related to your conviction of a crime cannot be discharged in bankruptcy. End of story? Usually, but not absolutely...

Student Loans Are a Cash Cow for the Federal Government?

The federal government is making billions of dollars for itself on student loans every year. So why double the interest rate on the loans next year? To boost those profits...

The Widening Circles of Harm from Student Loan Debt

Student loans are not just burdening recent graduates. They're now directly hurting people you wouldn't expect. And dragging down the whole economy...

Are Creditors Going to Challenge the Discharge of Debts in My Bankruptcy Case?

Every creditor has the right to challenge your ability to write off your debts in bankruptcy. But none of them likely will. Why not?...

Can Child or Spousal Support Ever Be Written Off in Bankruptcy?

You've heard that no debt in bankruptcy is more untouchable than child support and spousal support. Is that true? Can Chapter 7 or 13 ever help?...
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