Bankruptcy protects your paycheck because it's more powerful than a creditor's garnishment court order.
Getting sued by a creditor is a wake-up call to consider filing bankruptcy. If it's the right thing to do, there are advantages to filing before your deadline to respond to the lawsuit.
Don't react to getting lawsuit papers by avoiding them. Treat the lawsuit as a great incentive for taking the first step towards a better life.
This report provides tons of accessible information, lots of clear graphics. Includes a detailed timetable, and state-by-state compliance data.
Increasingly, the rich live among the rich, and the poor among the poor. Especially in the big cities of Texas. Less so in Miami, Cincinnati, Boston, Sacramento, and Portland.
If you want to hold onto your vehicle, or other collateral, Chapter 13 makes it happen.
If you want to hold onto your home, Chapter 13 gives you many extraordinary advantages.
If Chapter 7 strengthens your hand against your secured creditors, Chapter 13 turns you into Superman. It starts with a much more robust "automatic stay."
Over the last 30 years in America, more of the rich are living among the rich, and more of the poor are living among the poor.
Your secured creditors are often the ones you most care about, because the creditor can take your collateral. Chapter 7 strengthens your hand, improving your options.
You may have serious financial problems but have still managed to keep current on your mortgage. How does bankruptcy NOT hurt your home but instead protects it?
If your family income is more than the "median family income," you may still be able to file under Chapter 7.
Most of the time, you get to keep whatever you own when you file bankruptcy. These 10 truths tell you how it works.
If your financial life is legally simple, your bankruptcy will likely be simple. What is is about your financial life that makes for a not so simple bankruptcy case?
The state with the highest foreclosure rate, Arizona, is being sued for violating the settlement's federal consent judgment by not using the funds for helping homeowners.