121 Wisconsin Ave, Whitefish, MT 59937

Bankruptcy Blog

Surrendering Real Estate Other than Your Home in Bankruptcy

Chapter 7 writes off your mortgage debt, many other debts against the property, and potentially pays your "priority" debts as well...

Keeping Non-Home Real Estate through Bankruptcy

Whether you can keep other real estate depends first on whether it's "exempt."...

Addressing a Child or Spousal Support Lien through Bankruptcy

A support obligation is a very special kind of debt, and the resulting lien on your home has to be dealt with in a very special way...

Dealing with Statutory Liens on Your Home in Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy cannot remove contractor's liens or other statutory liens from your home, but both Chapter 7 and 13 can help you deal with them...

Erasing a Judgment Lien from Your Home’s Title

The potential ability to get rid of judgment liens from your home's title is an impressive benefit of bankruptcy...

Preventing a Judgment Lien against Your Home

Letting a creditor get a judgment against you is dangerous, for a lot of reasons. One of the biggest dangers is a judgment lien on your home...
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