If you bought your home within 3 years and 3 months ago, bankruptcy law creates a maximum amount of homestead that you can exempt.
If you're filing an "adjustment of debts" Chapter 13 case, what choices do you have about your income tax refund?
If you're filing a "straight bankruptcy" case, how do you keep your income tax refund?
Give gladly to your Chapter 7 trustee assets that you don't need, if most of the proceeds of sale of those assets are going to pay your taxes.
You can usually change from an ongoing straight Chapter 7 case into a Chapter 13 payment plan. But getting out of bankruptcy altogether is generally not allowed.
Finding the best way out of this seeming Catch-22 depends on a full understanding of your unique situation and your goals.
In bankruptcy you hear a lot about "the trustee." What does this person do, in a "straight" Chapter 7 case, and in an "adjustment of debts" Chapter 13 one?
If your business has failed or is about to, it does NOT likely need a bankruptcy. But YOU personally might.
In deciding between Chapter 7 and 13, get this question out of the way right away: "Can I keep everything I own if I file a Chapter 7 case?"
The most respected early commentator on the Constitution fills in some historical gaps about bankruptcy and leads it in a better direction.
Bankruptcy stops a vehicle repo from happening. But what then?
Bankruptcy quashes a garnishment, but only if it's filed in time.
Most of the time, you get to keep whatever you own when you file bankruptcy. These 10 truths tell you how it works.
If your financial life is legally simple, your bankruptcy will likely be simple. What is is about your financial life that makes for a not so simple bankruptcy case?
In bankruptcy it's okay to FEEL differently towards some creditors than others. You can also sometimes ACT differently, but only if you very carefully follow the rules.