Looking for a Kalispell Bankruptcy Attorney prior to your divorce?

 Looking for a Kalispell Bankruptcy Attorney prior to going through a divorce? 

Unfortunately, 41% of first marriages, 60% of second marriages, and 73% of third marriages end in divorce. Financial problems sometimes push couples towards divorce, while divorce often causes financial problems and/or bankruptcy.

The typical causes of these financial problems through divorce are:

  • The splitting of finances;
  • And the increased living expenses from being forced to live in separate households.

 If you can foresee that divorce will cause financial problems for one or both of the partners in the marriage, or you currently face financial problems, you need to determine:

  • Whether the financial problems will cause one or both of the partners to face the possibility of bankruptcy;
  • And whether filing a bankruptcy prior to or after a divorce is your best option.

Because married couples may file a bankruptcy together prior to filing for divorce, even if they do not live together, while divorced couples cannot, there are several issues that need to be addressed regarding filing a bankruptcy prior to or after a divorce when meeting with your Kalispell bankruptcy attorney:

1. Determine what chapter of the bankruptcy code is best for you;

2. How will a chapter 7 and 13 bankruptcy affect you;

3. How will the atomic stay and discharge injunction affect you;

4. How does the Means Test and section 707(b)(3) affect your eligibility;

5. How does the administration of property work through bankruptcy;

6. How does filing a bankruptcy affect property division, child custody, and spousal support;

7. Which property will be protected by the exemptions;

8. How will filing a bankruptcy together or separately affect you;

9. What effect will a property settlement agreement have on your bankruptcy; and

10. What debts are dischargeable through a bankruptcy.

If your marriage is breaking up, it might be nice to clean up your debts and receive a fresh start prior to filing a divorce.  Sometimes waiting to file a bankruptcy until after filing a divorce is better for you. In order to determine your best options, you should consult with your Kalispell bankruptcy attorney.

For your No Cost Consultation please contact Jeff Greenwell, a
Kalispell Bankruptcy Attorney of Greenwell Law, PLLC at 406-257-8909 Today.

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