121 Wisconsin Ave, Whitefish, MT 59937

Bankruptcy Blog

Actions To Take When Considering Bankruptcy

Actions To Take When Considering Bankruptcy

If you’re considering bankruptcy, generally don’t sell or give away your possessions—including collateral—or use retirement money.  Two weeks ago, we made the point that if bankruptcy is even a possibility for you, please quickly get legal advice. We said you should get legal advice to find out: if bankruptcy is indeed the best option for... Read More...

Priority Debt for Driving While Intoxicated

If you injured someone by unlawfully driving while intoxicated, the resulting personal injury debt would be a priority debt in bankruptcy...

The Best Bankruptcy Advice: Get Legal Advice

Businesses considering bankruptcy get intense legal advice before filing. You would also be smart to get solid advice to make a good decision...

Paying Missed Mortgage Forbearance Payments

If you took advantage of the mortgage forbearance payment option under the CARES Act, when do you have to catch up on those missed payments?  ...

Pandemic Mortgage Forbearance

Mortgage delinquencies skyrocketed in April. One big reason: the pandemic mortgage forbearance through the CARES Act.  ...

Avoiding Paying Prior Employee Debt

If you prefer NOT to pay back present or prior employee debt, bankruptcy can help you use the law to prevent it from being a priority debt...
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